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Liagaana kuloohiza miyiinzi jia Lulogooli

Liagaana 1 (12/01/2024) Avaali hao 1. Lung'afa Igunza 2. Pam Igara 3. Rhoda Obwoyere 4. Mw. Obwoyere 5. Alfred Ogola 6. Pharrex Comfort 7. Bernard Ngoda 8. Kelonye Festus Liloohiza Avaagaani vavugiilizani kuzyizagilila na miyiinzi jia kuzuva Ululogooli muvandu Vamanyi kandi vavoola kuvezaa na ligaana haimbi ku haimbi (onlaini), kutaanga na vuli lisiiza Vamanyi vavitiza ni vulahi kuve na ikamati ia vusololi/miandu kigila imiyiinzi gaenyaa jikolwe

Lesson 5 : Vowels and Consonants of Lulogooli



In Ileseni 2 we listed down the 26 letters of Latin-script. Ululogooli borrows 24 letters (ziduguda) because it does not directly apply letters Q and X in writing. 

In this lesson we are going to classify the 24 letters into two; Visaanduki (vowels) and Vichiling’anu (consonants). 

“Visaanduki” is from the verb, “saanduka”, which means to make a sound. The letters that make a sound are: a, e, i, o u. 

These five ‘sounding’ letters are also known as Vowels. In capital and small letters they are written as Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu. The word ‘vowels’ can be Lulogoolinized as “zivaweli”. 

The rest of the alphabet letters are silent in Lulogooli. They are given the word “Zichiling’anu” from verb “chiling’ana” meaning “be silent”. 

The silent letters are also known as Consonants. In capital and small letter cases they are; Bb, CHch, Dd, Ff, Gg, Hh, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Pp, Rr, Ss, Tt, Vv, Ww, Yy, Zz. The word “consonant” in Lulogooli can be “Ikonzonati” and plural, “Zikonzonati”. 

‘To write’ in Lulogooli is “kung’ooda”. The 24 letters ‘that write (iving’oodaa)’ are called “Ving’oodelo” to mean “that which writes/makes writing.”

In writing, one letter is “King’oodelo” and many, “ving’oodelo”. In a word as “ua” (of), letters u&a are Iving’oodelo while u or a is king’oodelo.

Ving’oodelo (letters of writing) are a representative of ziduguda (voices). 


  1. Write these new words in your notebook: “King’oodelo”,  “Visaanduki” and “Vichiling’anu”.
  2. Write your sir/maiden name and identify “Zivaweli” and “zikonzonati” used in writing it.
  3. In your best handwriting, write both Capital and small letters of writing (“ving’oodelo”).


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