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Lesson 2 ; The Alphabet of Ululogooli



The word “Lulogooli” has 10 letters. 

These ten written letters (U.l.u.l.o.g.o.o.l.i) are from Latin-script alphabet.

The Latin Alphabet has 26 letters namely a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,I,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z.

Only two Latin-script letters, “q” and “x” are not used in Lulogooli directly. But by borrowing new words from other languages, the letters might be used in the long run. 

In writing, a word can have a few or more alphabet letters combining. For there to be a word, there must be a letter or letters with a meaning.

Sometimes a word can repeat alphabet letters. The word Ululogooli has u*2, l*3, o*3. 

The letters “g” and “i” are only used once in the word. We can therefore see that only 5 alphabet letters have been used, “u,l,o,g & i”. 


  1. Write your sir/maiden name in your notebook. Count the written letters and note down. Also count how many alphabet letters. Note the repeated alphabet, if any. 
  2. The word “mamumama” means ‘to sleep flat by the belly.’ Please count the letters and also count how many alphabet letters used.


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