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One, Two, Three Pronouns in a word

A word is by extension a sentence in Lulogooli. This is when through agglutination several affixes are added to broaden meaning while at the same time, artistically, remaining precise. And noun (pronoun by morphemes) come in handy - can be single, double or triple pronouns in a word (sentence!) as below. 

One Pronoun 
This is a simple word or sentence where an action involves one noun. The noun can be the object (receiver of action) or action (doers of action) as in the examples. Where the pronoun is plural we can say it is more than one noun participating - but being of the same kind it is here taken as a 'single noun'. Elaaya (It will graze) and Zilaaya (They will graze) are 'one-noun' words. 
  • Azya - He's going
  • Garataagwa - They'll be planted 
  • Erikuba - It will rain

Two Pronouns
This is an increasing word meaning that participates two nouns. One happens to be the subject whereas the other is an object as in the examples below. 
  • Virakogwira - They'll fall on you
  • Guramuvitira - It'll pass by her
  • Vuramuduuka - They'll fit inside it
Three Pronouns 
This is a complex word whose meaning involves having one active subject making an activity be done by another (sub-subject) to an object (receiver of the action). The three pronouns follow that the first pronoun is the initiator of action, the second one a doer (like a sub-contractor) while the one attached to the stem word receiver of action (object).
  • Varamukusiingira - They'll bath him for us
  • Munzinyaguriziraa - You are making my animals run
  • Kurakukorimira - We will cultivate the place for you
Where all the three pronouns are passive (no Me and no Us), the meanings can further be deliberated as Lulogooli keeps being discovered - to possibly even four pronouns! Here are some of object-only three pronouns.
  • Mugamuigizwa - In what you were taught
  • Kirivuvururiza - That which will make it sour
  • Gukuvagiingira - That will carry them on
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