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There are approximate 582,398,853,234,000 Logooli words and more.

English language Oxford Dictionary (1989) had about 171, 146 words in use. There were about 47, 156 obsolete ones. To 2010, with at least 8,500 new words per year, the total English words were past a million mark. The Shona language is of about 10³³ words from a single root verb, that would need a larger database to work on, not so difficult with the daily technological advancements. Whether a language is rich by fewer of words (poetry) or many of them (prose) is a discussion that Rogoori can contextualize within Common Speech and Structural grammar boundaries.

Words of Rogoori can be as short as a to as long as aakaririvakirantaramukubiririraangiririraangazana... or more. What type and nature of word can be either indivisible or divisible into building parts as in the case aakakontegili (he has just trapped me for you) as a-ka-ko-n-teg-i-l-i.

There are about 10,000 root verbs of Rogoori, about 1000 root nouns, a few adjectives. Pronouns are derived from Noun Classes, similar to gerunds, as many as the verbs. There are a few adverbs and conjunctions. A basic Rogoori lexicon compilation could be of about 15,000 nucleus words. It is outside the 15,000 approximate words that Rogoori stands curling outwards to a bigger collection of words that can be observed and studied.

Total Verbs

For every root verb we get a stem verb in the tenses: Present -a, Past -i, Future -e [e.g rora, rori, rore]. Those are three verbs, but one, separated by tense. We can therefore say for every verb by tense we have 3*10,000 = 30,000¹. If we add the active tense in the verbs [e.g roraa, rorii, roree] we also have 3 words sharing a root verb, giving us another 30,000² entries above. The total to this end are ¹+² = 60,000 as summarized in a. below. 

a. Rv¹⁰⁰⁰⁰*T⁶ = 60,000 where Rv is root verb, T is tense, *= one to many relationship

We do not always meet verbs as seka, kora, mara. We also meet the ones as kukora, vagumira, rivakora, vakora. With these we have the Subject added. The subject is begotten from Noun Classes. There are 12 noun classes, 9 singular, 15 plural, 4 uncountable, a total of 28 morphemes which can be added to a above thus:

b. Nc²⁸*Rv¹⁰⁰⁰⁰*T⁶ = 1,680,000 (168words for 1 verb) words where Nc is Noun Class 

When two or more pronouns (Noun Classes) inform the same action, they are included in the word. Example 2, 3, 4 pronouns in a word include kukororaa, vamunkubira, vakomunkubira respectively. Translated as We are seeing you, they are beating you for me, they have beaten you for them and me. The summary below takes into consideration the 4 limit pronouns though there is room for more. 

c. Nc²⁸*Nc²⁸*Nc²⁸*Nc²⁸*Rv¹⁰⁰⁰⁰*T⁶ = 36,879,360,000 words.

There are prefix tenses that further put tense into "not yet, still, long after, accomplished" and more states. The end vowels are just the base, covering the end tense. But before are tense morphemes like a, li, la, ka, ki noted as [Pt]. They are about seven, can be succeeding as lila, kika [Pt⁷*Pt⁷] and so on. Their place is before the root verb. They apply between pronouns. In this exercise a majority would be 4 places of double tense as in the summary:

d. Nc²⁸*Pt⁷*Pt⁷*Nc²⁸*Pt⁷*Pt⁷*Nc²⁸*Pt⁷*Pt⁷**Nc²⁸*Pt⁷*Pt⁷*Rv¹⁰⁰⁰⁰*T⁶ = 2,065,244,160,000 words

In addition is the verb suffix inflection. A verb as kubila means beat for. Its structure is kub.i.l.a (Rv+T+Inflection+Te). The Inflection (Inf) serves such other purposes as emphasis, desciption and more about the action. There are about 47 of them, whose place is between the verb tense (T) and the word's tense ending (Te) as inserted in the larger sequence above:

e. Nc²⁸*Pt⁷*Pt⁷*Nc²⁸*Pt⁷*Pt⁷*Nc²⁸*Pt⁷*Pt⁷**Nc²⁸*Pt⁷*Pt⁷*Rv¹⁰⁰⁰⁰*T⁶*Inf⁴⁷*Te⁶ = 582,398,853,120,000 words.

Total Nouns

For every noun there is a root noun. In the database we enter a neutral noun, that is how a noun is known like. But that noun can, in exaggerations, figurative and other styles acquire other attributes including personification, superlative, diminutive and others. That is found in the 12 noun classes: 19 total morphemes catering for singular, plural and uncountable nouns. For every noun, we can end up with 19 similar nouns only attributing differently. This is summarized in the sequence below. 

f. Ncs¹⁹*Rn¹⁰⁰⁰ = 19000 words where Ncs is Noun class state, Rn is Root noun.

When nouns are derived from verbs (gerunds), they end in five ways -a, -e, -i, -o, -u with characteristics as future actor, past actor, accomplished actor and so on. A single verb would be prefixed with the 19 Noun Class states and suffixed with the 5 endings. An expected total is summarized thus: 

g. Ncs¹⁹*Rn¹⁰⁰⁰*Ne⁵ = 95,000 words where Ne is Noun ending. 

Total Adverbs, Adjectives, Conjunctions and Interjections

The Adverbs of Rogoori are not dependent. They stand alone, save for other artistic language usage where an adverb can be made a noun. Words as garaha, magarama, vurahi, saamu are some of the adverbs and can act as nouns too. It is for the adjectives that a noun class is added e.g mutaambi, kitaambi, vutaambi - depending on the noun class or state in description. The conjunctions include -a (of, prefixed by noun class or state of noun), na (and, with), ni (is) and others. The interjections, like adverbs, are depepndent. In total, these parts of speech may be less than a thousand, a negligible count in coparison to verbs above. 

The total words are however expected to increase as the language keeps growing, acquiring new nouns and spreading to environments away from the cradle, Evurogoori. Importantly is for Rurogoori to be organized in a computable format for 'look up' as well as 'auto-translations' for language autonomy. 

By adding all of the above words, our working word budget is - 

582,398,853,120,000 + 19,000 + 95000 + <1,000 = 582,398,853,234,000 words.

