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Advocacy for Structural Lulogooli for Uniformity in Writing


Fluent Lulogooli speakers can be said to have learnt the entire language system through speech. And answering what speech really is, it is the verbalization of the set of rules in a language, agreeing with all possible combinations of elements. A fault in these rules is easily pointed out - in this case by a native.. 

For people who are learning or relearning Lulogooli, structure is essential. They may be coming from different first languages. Taking a fluent Logooli speaker to teach the rules as condensed in speech may be of little help to such a learner. 

A Language learner or researcher benefits more from a structural design that breaks Lulogooli into its meaningful elements (morphemes) and offering rules of combinations. For Lulogooli is characterized by a division of nouns into noun classes distinguished by their prefixes, causing an alliterative concord whereby the prefix of a noun class is repeated in all words agreeing with a particular noun of that class and state in a word. Absence of grammatical gender reduces the expanse.

Exclusive attention  on speech to inform writing is limited in that not all people could be speaking the same way yet they can be said to be fluent in Lulogooli. A knife has these possible speech connotations:  [umuvano, um'vano, um'bano, muvano, m'vano, m'bano, umuvanu, um'vanu, um'banu, muvanu, m'vanu, m'banu] and to add the different spellings:  [ummbano, umbano, um'bano] that are pronounced same. 

In the above case, structural analysis of Prefix and Fixed noun is applied. Whether the noun is [-vanu or -vano]  is left for consensus and uniformity. Similar to consensus for use of allophone [r] in speech that is written as [l]. For the noun Prefix that reveals what state the noun is [For results as Luvano, Vuvano, Zivano, Mavano etc] or the Noun Agreement prefix [Uluvano, Uvuvano, Izivano, Amavano etc] this remains a grammatical rule order that applies. 

A study to understand the structure of Lulogoooli may not be the only headway to assertion in writing. An analysis too of surface Lulogooli (knowledge of speech) is essential in growing understanding. Whereas the latter by  palatalization, labialization and affricate combinations knits the language artistically, easilly and even beautifully, the former does not only endeavour to increase knowledge by study of Lulogooli, form patterns for easy teaching, but also converge dialectical differences.


The following English sentence can be written in several ways, depending on the writer. Please study all the options given and compare against the structural/grammatical sentence given last:

"Who wants to do will lack an excuse. Who doesn't want to do won't lack an excuse." 

  1. Yenya kokora aradaka ikivune. Atenya kokora adakaku ikivune dave.
  2. Oyo wenya kokora aladaka kivuni chukuvura kokora. Uvura kwenya kokora siadaka kivune chukuvula kokora.
  3. Uwenya kukora arakora vujira kivune utenya kukora arava ni kivune.
  4. Oyo wenyaa likola si alava ne ikivune kyi likola. Oyo utenyaa likola si alagosa ikivune kio kuvula kokola.
  5. Wenya k'kora arakora vujira kivuni. Atenya k'kora arava ni kivuni.
  6. Uo (uenya/aenya) kukola aladaka (siava na) kivuni. Uo (utaenya/ataenya) kukola siadaka (alava na) kivuni. 


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